At Liberty we believe that every family should make a financial investment in the education of their child. However, we also believe that the investment should be appropriate and manageable based on each family's family size and income. As a mixed income school we believe that a high quality education should be available to all families and have created our financial model to provide access to families who might not otherwise be able to provide the right educational option to their student. Below we have provided some resources to help families determine their share of tuition at Liberty Academy of Columbus. If you have any questions please reach out at jrhuff@libertyacademycolumbus.com.
Tuition and Fees
School Size
At maturity, LAC will have a capacity of 225 students. For Fall 2025, a total of 30 new seats are expected to be available. LAC is accredited through the state of Indiana and supports its intentional socio-economic diversity through the use of Indiana School Choice scholarships and tax credit scholarships.
Out of pocket tuition costs are determined according to household size and Adjusted Gross Income (AGI). For the 2024-25 school year, these costs are capped between 1.0% and 9.0% of household AGI. Tuition for the 2025-26 school year has yet to be finalized, however we anticipate cost to families to be very similar to the 24-25 school year.
Financial Aid is Available for families who meet the Indiana state eligibility requirements for School Choice Scholarships (over 90% of Indiana and Liberty families qualify).
Example A: the estimated annual out of pocket cost for one student coming from a family of three with an AGI of $40,000 would be $1,200.
Example B: the estimated annual out of pocket cost for two students coming from a family of five with an AGI of $68,000 would be $2,940.
Example C: the estimated annual out of pocket cost for two students coming from a family of four with an AGI of $110,000 would be $3,892. ($1,946 per student).
School Choice Scholarship Guidelines
The Choice Scholarship Program, commonly known as the voucher program, was established in 2011 to provide every Indiana student access to the school that best meets their learning needs. The Choice Scholarship awards funds to qualified students to help pay tuition at the non-public school of their choice.
To qualify for a Choice Scholarship, students must be:
An Indiana resident between ages 5-22,
In grades K-12 and
Within the appropriate Income Eligibility Requirement.
Choice Scholarship Program Income Guidelines 2023-2024